Marianela Galo

Marianela is a knitting fashion designer, passionate about double needles. Her main goal is to give her patterns an interesting way of knitting and make them an adventure. With very marked inspirations and through the needles, she is able to transport you to different places.

She studied chemistry and was a science teacher for fifteen years, during which she helped hundreds of children to overcome difficulties with mathematics. Always with knitting in mind, after the birth of her second child, she decided to open her YouTube channel “Knit es tejer”. In this way, since 2017 she has forged her professional career as a designer and pattern maker.

She currently has her own online academy, Arriba la lana, to accompany knitters from all over the world.


Un paseo por las vueltas cortas, 4 formas de girar y tejer

  • Saturday 16/11, from 13  to 16 h
  • Language: Spanish
  • Technique: Knitting
  • Sponsored by Pascuali

Cirugía en el tejido, se acabó destejer por error

  • Sunday 17/11, from 13  to 16 h
  • Language: Spanish
  • Technique: Knitting
  • Sponsored by
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