Unwind Knitwear

I’m Rachel Illsley, the designer behind Unwind Knitwear.

I absolutely love designing and creating knitwear. My work as a designer started when I was at home looking after my young daughters; I needed something that would offer a mental challenge and give me a creative outlet. I became passionate about developing my understanding of knitwear design and construction and curating a unique style as a designer. Now my daughters are both at school and my passion for knitwear design has grown into a full time job. This work is something I am immensely proud of and dedicated to.

My knitting patterns are a reflection of my own personal style – I make what I want to wear – but also a reflection of my preferences as a knitter: I aim to create patterns that are interesting and enjoyable to follow, whilst also producing a beautiful and flattering garment that will be loved and worn for years to come.

Before becoming a knitwear designer, I worked as a teacher.

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